IOTBC Membership Renewal


Thank you for renewing your IOTBC Membership*. As an active member you will:

• Provide valuable support to maintain a thriving community of Concept-Therapy education.
• Enjoy the member rate for class tuition and products.
• Receive the quarterly Beamer magazine.
• Receive the monthly CTI Newsletter plus class and event announcements.
• Attend Concept-Therapy Study Clubs live or streamed online.
• Attend the IOTBC Conventions.

Consider a Lifetime Membership. It is the best bargain in the store!

All Fees Payable in U.S. funds
Policy of Nondiscrimination: Concept Therapy International admits students of any race, color, gender, sexual orientation, and national or ethnic origin. It does not discriminate in the administration of its educational and admission policies or any Institute-administered programs.

*Membership in the association known as the International “On The Beam” Club of Concept Therapy International.

This product can only be purchased by graduates of the appropriate course with a member login. The introductory courses are Concept-Therapy, and also Suggestive Therapy, which is recommended or doctors and healing arts professionals.  

Click here to enroll in our courses

SKU: MBR-RENEW Category:


Renew your membership here!

Additional information


One Year Individual Membership $50, Two Year Individual Membership $80, Four Year Individual Membership $125, One Year Family Membership $75, Two Year Family Membership $115, Four Year Family Membership $175, Lifetime Individual Membership $1000