
These are the first recorded audios by Dr Fleet and are a treasure far beyond the cost. You can appreciate the many approaches he used to explain Concept-Therapy and Conceptology.

THE EARLY DAYS 1954 – 1962 (91 AUDIOS)
0000 Illumination
0001A Explanation of Instruction
0001B Astral Plane
0003A Instruction in the Temple of Wisdom
0005 Three Forms of Matter and Three Worlds
0007 Awareness
0007A Actor 0n the Stage of the One Life
0010 General Message
0010A Spirit Admonishes Dr. Fleet
0011 Man’s Armor in a World of Chaos
0012 Simple Explanation of C-T and Conceptology
0012A New Truths from Phase 5
0015A Preview to Phase 5
0016 Greeting to Ranch Newcomers
0016A Two Planes of Life SLUMP
0017 Re: Cosmopolitan Magazine
0017A Bhagavad Gita
0018 Lifting the Veil
0018A Lifting the Veil Part 2
0019 Lower and Higher Paths
0019A Basic Principles Explanation
0020 “Thirty”
0021 Special Tape on Marriage
0024 Twenty-Minute Message
0033 New Things to Come to AST
0033A More About Phase 5
0040 The Power We Deal With
0044A Visiting Beamers at AST
0051 Purpose of Life, Part 1
0051A Purpose of Life, Part 2
0053 Further Enlightenment on Phase 5 by Dr Fleet
0060 Path of Attainment
0074 Why Phase 5 Will Overcome Confusion
0075 This Thing We Call Power
0085 Spiritual Knowledge, Part 1
0086 Spiritual Knowledge, Part 2
0089 What We Teach
0125 The Thinker
0126 Soul Rebels
0127 Soul Studies the Expression of the “X”
0128 Soul Arrives at an Understanding of the “X”
0129 Soul Analyzes Good and Bad
0132 Explanation of SLUMP by Dr Fleet
0133 The 4th Phase Orchestra SLUMP by Dr Fleet
0135 Law of Aspiration
0136 Law of Faith
0137 Law of Polarity
0138 The Unknown
0139 Law of Love
0140 Law of Gender
0141 Energy
0142 Explaining the “X” as Energy
0143 Expression of the “X”
0145 Reign of Law
0146 Proper Attitude of a C-T Student in Regard to Inspiration, Revelation, and Observation
0147 Religion
0148 The “X”
0150 Reflective and Intuitive Powers of the Mind
0151 Presentative and Representative Powers
0152 Faculties of the Mind
0153 Soul Inquires as to the First Cause
0154 A New Understanding of Life
0157 Inner Worlds
0158 Fact, Theory, and Fantasy
0159 Reincarnation
0160 Inner Realm
0161 Law of Vibration
0162 Divine Power
0163 Subconscious Mind
0164 Becoming of the Body
0179 Extra Advanced Knowledge of the Soul
0180 Informative Lecture for Visitors’ Night
0181 Is There Life After Death?
0236 Confusion vs Peace
0245 Coordinating Body, Mind, and Soul Under Law
0247 An Approach to Wisdom
0260 Explanation of Program
0261 The Seeker
0266 Entering the Storm
0272 Entering Cosmic Knowledge
0275 Evolution
CX0001 Creation of the World & Electronic and Mineral Phases
CX0002 Vegetable Phase & Animal Phase
CX0004 Evolution of Consciousness & Spirit
CX0007 Composite Personality
CX0008 Basic Concept
CX0010 Becoming of the Faculties
CX0011 Laws Governing the Change of Concepts
CX0012 Natural Laws
CX0015 Universal Laws (Part 1)

These audios will help you appreciate Dr Fleet’s body of work even more!

This product can only be purchased by graduates of the appropriate course with a member login. The introductory courses are Concept-Therapy, and also Suggestive Therapy, which is recommended or doctors and healing arts professionals.  

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These are the first recorded audios by Dr Fleet and are a treasure far beyond the cost. You can appreciate the many approaches he used to explain Concept-Therapy and Conceptology.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 3 × .5 in