Rays of the Dawn – Total Health Handbook (Paperback)
Find 28 ways to have more Health, Happiness, Peace and Success
Self-Evaluation Booklet
Gauge your current standing in relation to Laws of the Body, Mind, and Soul with this wonderful tool.
Balanced Meals
30 days of chemically balanced meals that promote nutritional health.
In this day of fast foods and rushed schedules, we don’t always take time to choose balanced meals, and our health suffers. This book will help us get into the habit of making the best choices for balanced meals under whatever circumstance we find ourselves: preparing our food at home (best circumstance) or eating out (necessary circumstance). By providing a full 30 days of nutritional, chemically balanced meals, we have many examples from which to choose.
Inner-Klean Diet
It’s not a diet, it’s a FEAST! Six day feast of fruits and vegetables designed to detoxify the body at the cellular level.Many Health Practitioners prescribe this diet to their patients as part of both preventative and treatment procedures. It works wonders when properly practiced.